Suddenly you see a mast, 2024, Acrylic, silkscreen medium and oil on canvas, 40 x 30 inches

The sun is sick, 2022, Acrylic, silkscreen medium and oil on canvas, 42 x 30 inches

Dusk, 2024, Acrylic, silkscreen medium and oil on canvas, 30 x 40 inches

Hidden, 2023, Acrylic, silkscreen medium and oil on canvas, 30 x 40 inches

Three figures with a 1853 almanac, 2022, Acrylic, silkscreen medium and oil on canvas, 30 x 42 inches

He and Sleep were Brothers, 2023, Acrylic, silkscreen medium and oil on canvas, 50 x 40 inches

Inferno, 2023, Acrylic, silkscreen medium and oil on canvas, 32 x 40 inches

Victim of Stars, 2023, Acrylic, silkscreen medium and oil on canvas, 36 x 46 inches

Struggle, 2022, Acrylic, silkscreen medium and oil on canvas, 32 x 40 inches

After Max Ernst 1, 2022, Acrylic, silkscreen medium and oil on canvas, 42 x 36 inches

After Max Ernst 2, 2022, Acrylic, silkscreen medium and oil on canvas, 42 x 36 inches

Son of Niobe, 2021, Acrylic, silkscreen medium and oil on canvas, 36 x 36 inches

Niobe with her youngest daughter, 2021, Acrylic and silkscreen medium on canvas, 40 x 30 inches

Milford lane, 2021, Acrylic, silkscreen medium and oil on canvas, 30 x 40 inches

Panther hunter, 2021, Acrylic, silkscreen medium and oil on canvas, 40 x 28 inches

Samson, 2021, Acrylic, silkscreen medium and oil on canvas, 40 x 28 inches

Leda with the swan, 2021, Acrylic, silkscreen medium and oil on canvas, 30 x 20 inches